Great Dog TRICKS!

Do you have a funny story about your dog that you would like to share????

OK all you schnauzer lover’s out there!  I am trying hard to get some interaction going on this site and although there are already a ton that have created a user name for my new site, no one is posting any comments……….come guys, lets have some fun!

Do you have any topic suggestions?  Feel free to post your comments or questions.  I’d love to hear from you all!

You Tube MUST SEE: By who has many videos posted of mini schnauzer tricks so be sure to watch them all!  Starting here;

What is a breeder? (Funny)

Welcome to Classic Miniature Schnauzers, formerly known as Schnauzer Babies!  This site is still a work in progress but my goal is to provide a breed informative, interactive place for any and all schnauzer lovers to come, enjoy, make friends and learn from one another!  Welcome, New Schnauzer Friend!

This is a funny little post I ran across online……..just for amusement because it rings so true;

1. We are vets – we are actively involved in making sure that our dogs and puppies are in the best of health, and we watch and study our bloodlines to ensure that future generations are free of health issues.

2. We are trainers – we are always working with our dogs and puppies, teaching them proper behavior and manners as much as possible.

3. We are the clean-up crew – ’nuff said. 🙂  

4. We are laundry attendants– we keep up with the cleaning of all beds and blankets & dogie cloths.

5. We are groomers – we keep our dogs and puppies groomed.  Puppies are groomed at least twice before they leave us.  Our show adults are groomed weekly and our adults not being shown are groomed about every 4-6 weeks with weekly brushing and bath. Someone always needs a bath, nails trimmed, ears cleaned and if nothing else, at least a good brushing!

6. We are photographers – we spent hours upon hours with camera in hand, ready to catch the perfect picture of our puppies.  Learning to use proper lighting, props and backgrounds and always keeping an eye out for the next great item to use in our photography.

7. We are website designers – we keep our website updated on a daily basis, and we are constantly making improvements.

8. We are secretaries – we maintain all our paperwork and record-keeping, and we answer the many phone calls and emails we receive every day.

9. We are marketing agents – from marketing our own program to investigating many types of dog products, we do all we can to provide helpful information for new puppy owners.

10. We are salespeople – we assist new puppy owners and help them find the perfect companion for their lifestyle. We help them decide what breed, gender, etc is going to suit them the best, and we provide as much information about every puppy as we can.

11. We are purchasing agents – we constantly purchase new supplies, grooming equipment, beds, bowls, food, etc. The list goes on and on!

12. We are lobbyists – we are keenly aware of legislation, and we do everything in our power to ensure the best quality of life for all of our beloved dogs and puppies and we do what we can so that the rights of dog owners are maintained.

13. We are teachers – the entire family is involved in one way or another with our dog family members.  We help each other with the care of our dogs, and we take our job as “teacher” very seriously. We want to make sure that our entire family works to the best of their ability, that the younger members of our family care as much about our dogs as we adults do, and that they know and understand the importance of even the ‘little’ daily chores.  

14. We are puppy players – this one goes without saying!! 🙂 Sometimes it’s wonder we get any work done…

15. Pet Taxi- Whether we are making a trip to the show, training classes or vet trips, our “pet” taxi is always on the road.